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Monday, February 14, 2011

My Little Love Story Contest Details Tomorrow!

It's finally time for the My Little Love Story photo contest!  I wanted to wait until the Valentine's Day festivities were over for three reasons:

     1) People are too busy around a holiday to get things like a contest entry done, so now that the holiday's over you'll have time to work on your entry!
     B) Valentine's Day has passed, so you can use the happy vibes from your own celebration as inspiration for your story and photo!
     3) Valentine's Day has passed, so your rage and animosity towards the holiday will start to simmer down, therefore the idea of creating pony love story will touch down smoother on the palate!

The prize is a gorgeous little Twice As Fancy Milky Way G1 MLP! Details and examples to follow tomorrow!


  1. Yay! I was afraid I'd missed it, because, as you suspected we would be, I was a bit busy with the holiday. I had a very romantic Valentine's day: I gave BF a bag full of pasta and a photography magazine and he gave me an IOU a trip to Ottawa and a ponytail palm (can you tell we've been dating for a while? :P). I will continue to check in for details, because I'm determined not to miss this one!!

  2. Nope, you didn't miss it, Holly! :) I figured having it after V Day would take the stress off people. I already have two entries!

    I'm so glad to hear you had a great Valentine's! I did too...DH got me 4 pieces of clothing from the Hurley Tron Legacy collection >_> Yes, I am a nerd. One of the things is a TRON DRESS. And we went out to a really fantastic restaurant we love. :D I got DH the whole set of original Tron toys from the 80s that I managed to score on eBay..yey!

    Can't wait to see your entry!
